Call open for RE_PLAY - EMJM in Video Games

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REPLAY gives the space to students from across the globe to come together with the objective of designing, experimenting and developing meaningful game experiences. Students are empowered to shape the future of game design, unlocking the industry's potential for creativity, innovation, and societal relevance.

Throughout their two years journey, the students will be immersed in three unique national game development and artistic ecosystems. Between three different universities forming the consortium, Lusófona University (Portugal), LUCA School of Arts (Belgium) and Aalto University (Finland).

REPLAY's curriculum focuses on a range of core subjects within the field of game studies, creation, and production. The program is structured around three interconnected conceptual themes, each of which plays a crucial role in shaping the educational experience and the skills and knowledge acquired by students.

Join us in redefining the future of game design.

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Science Manager at CICANT
Lusófona University

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